Class Handouts

If a moderator chooses to share them, class slides and handouts will be posted here when available. Please note that not all class slides are made available.


1219/1220 Bollywood

  • List of movies: Gandhi, Khabhi Kushi Khabhi Gaum (sometimes happiness and sometimes sadness), Dangal (girls wrestling), English Vinglish (Indian who comes to the states and secretly learns English), Laapaata Ladies (Movie about women in rural indian getting married)

1408 Fools Rush In: The Great Powers and the Modern Middle East

1510 Great American Transformation: The Guilded Age

2110 Pathways to Connection

2113 Beyond Oedipus and Antigone: Exploring Greek Drama

2308 Wellness and Nutrition Practice for Sound Health

2409 General Medical Information to Help in Medical Decision Making, Part 2

2411/2412 For the Love of Music

2810 Healthcare Combo: Navigating Healthcare and Cardiovascular Genetic Testing

2903 Introduction to American Sign Language through Song

4902 How Do Physical Scientists Know What They Know?