Moderator Info and Resources

The success of OLLI depends entirely on the volunteers who teach.

The Curriculum Committee offers an orientation session for new moderators to help familiarize them with how OLLI works and offer useful guidelines and tips for planning and running OLLI courses.

Moderator Recruitment Kit - Under revision

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
University of Cincinnati
2220 Victory Pkwy, Administration Building, Suite 207
Cincinnati, OH 45206

Phone: 513-556-9186

Email: or

Find addresses, maps, and parking information for all OLLI venues here.

Victory Parkway Campus (VPC): Park in the East Lot accessed from Cypress Street. You will be provided a hangtag or a one-time pass for parking.

Room assignments are posted online and are available as handouts during the first week of each term at each venue. You will receive notice of your room assignment with your class roster about one week before your class begins. Moderators of multi-week courses will also receive instructions for accessing their rosters online.

In general, you may enter your classroom to set up no earlier than 10 to 15 minutes before your class begins. If another class is still in the room, please wait for them to exit before entering.

Inclement Weather: If UC is closed or delayed for weather, then all OLLI classes are cancelled while UC is closed. Information about UC closings may be found on local media or by calling 513-556-3333. Note:Ohio Living Llanfair or other class locations may close when UC is open: check local media.

Moderators of multi-week courses who wish to cancel their classes for inclement weather when UC is open are responsible for notifying all students in their classes by email or phone. Please make a decision by 6:30 a.m. on the day of your class and notify your students and the office promptly.

Moderator Illness or Emergency: Multi-week moderators: email or call your students as soon as possible to let them know that the class will not meet. If you are unable to do so, call the OLLI office at 513-556-9186. We encourage you to have a plan for emergency contact procedures and communicate it to your class at the first session. One-time program presenters: call the OLLI office at 513-556-9186 as early as possible.

Holidays: When UC is closed for a holiday, OLLI classes do not meet at Victory Parkway Campus. Most other classes, including Zoom classes also will not meet since staff will not be available to provide support.

Make-Up Classes: In most cases, one additional class session can be added at the end of the term to make up classes missed because of weather, illness, travel, or holidays. You may decide with your class participants about whether or not to make up missed classes. You must notify the office to schedule your make-up class.

About a week before your course begins, you will receive an email with the names, email addresses, and phone numbers of the people registered for your class at that time. Call the OLLI office at 513-556-9186 if you do not receive this email. Please take roll on the first two days of class, collecting names and contact information for anyone who does not appear on your roster, and informing the OLLI office so we can update enrollment information. Use this roster to share information with your students.

Your assigned classroom should contain the audiovisual equipment you requested. Assistance with equipment is available on a limited basis, so please attend any offered training sessions. A volunteer or staff member will be present to assist moderators of one-time programs.

  • Please keep handouts to a minimum. Save a tree!
  • Best choice: post your handouts or slides on the Member Resources/Class Handouts page of the OLLI website. Email PDF, PPT, or Word Doc to for posting. 
  • Email your handouts to participants using your class roster.
  • To have copies made by the office, you must provide the originals one week in advance and pick up the copies from the office at 2220 Victory Pkwy., Admin 207, Cincinnati, OH 45206. Email print job with date needed to
  • As a last resort, you may photocopy handouts at a commercial outlet, save the receipts, and submit them to the office for reimbursement (up to $50) at the end of your course.

All moderators teach for OLLI as volunteers, so no fees or honoraria are paid. Thanks to the hundreds of volunteers who make OLLI possible!

Moderators of multi-week courses are offered a free membership during any term that they teach. We're also happy to extend attendance at most one-time programs to anyone who volunteers in any capacity.

We are grateful to all the volunteers who share their knowledge and passions with the OLLI community. Without you, OLLI could not exist. THANK YOU!

Resources for Moderators

  • Strategies for Moderators - Being Revised
  • Zoom Training for Moderators
  • Guidelines to Success - Being Revised
  • Course Feedback will be via SurveyMonkey link provided to students and shared with you after it has been compiled.

New Moderator Orientation

Gateways Orientation session for new moderators of multiweek courses takes place before your course is officially accepted. Successful completion of Gateways is required before your proposed course will be scheduled.

Safety and Emergency Procedures